My Friends in the Band Zookeeper had commissioned me to create a Design for a T-shirt they would selling at gigs. We worked together and came up with a suitable design as seen below to match the metal sound of the band.

Initial design

Design Iteration

Final design

This was the Final product created from my design. I wanted the image to fit well on the shape of a T-shirt and stand out, whilst representing the image and sound of the band. Me and the client both agree this was achieved and they were very positive in their feedback and really liked the design.
There were some technical challenges to overcome with this project; such as getting the Photoshop file into .EPS format and retaining all the detail from the initial illustration.
I overcame this by exporting the paths in parts to Illustrator and building the image up chunks at a time.
As you can see the Final image has retained all the detail, and is now a vector capable of print.
Initial designs